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In the past, tornados and floods left Parkland in ruins but she rebuilt.  Today Parkland is facing the ruins of economic hardship, but with creativity and ingenuity residents will rebuild again. Parkland Rising is about more than art.  Its central goal is to unite a community around a common cause.  Parkland Rising will stand as a testament to what can be achieved when a community combines its talents, resources, and energies.  Parkland rising will be a lasting symbol of hope, renewal, & rebirth.  We will rise again!


To hope is to believe that something will happen. Hope allows people to move forward despite obstacles. Hope feeds the desire to do and be more. Parkland’s hopes are represented in the statement, “We will rise again as…”  Residents will be asked to complete this sentence with their hopes and dreams for Parkland’s future.   500 of these stickers will be placed on panels in the windows and doors of the lower level of the vacant property.  Each sticker is in the shape of a circle representing that hope is never ending.  Never ending hope will propel Parkland upward.


To renew is to give a fresh start.  Often people throw away things that seem useless.  There are creative people who find this trash and reclaim it.  They transform it into something new and beautiful.  This is renewal.  Evidence of thrown away things can be found in Parkland’s vacant homes and littered alleys.  We will renew over 2,000 used plastic bottles and old clothing to create a 12 foot tall Phoenix with a 16 foot wingspan.  Things that have been used and discarded will become the foundation for something new.  In the process, we will make small steps toward improving Parkland’s environment by making it cleaner and safer.



​Life begins at birth. Life can be ended by natural and unnatural forces. Tornados and floods leave trails of destruction.  Riots of unrest turn buildings into ash.  Stray bullets shot by angry hands cut short young life.   Parkland is marked with scars of all of these events.  But like the mythical phoenix, she has the ability to rebirth herself.  Fueled by hope and the energy of renewal Parkland will rise again into her position of majesty and prominence in West Louisville.

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